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"My gratitude to all of my friends, artists, writers and press who show interest in my films, books, works, opinions and life. Life is tough, creative work is loneliness, but satifaction is more than everything."
Cosmopolitan HK.

Cosmopolitan HK.

訪問談及兩部犯罪小說《死亡在跳舞》、《吃掉瑪利亞》,及與美國黑色犯罪小說和電影的關係. Interview to talk about two of my crime fictions and its relationship with American film and fiction noir. 2012. 07

《300家》攝影展, 2013香港國際攝影節.

《300家》攝影展, 2013香港國際攝影節.

香港攝影師Roy Lee作品以香港藝術工作者為對象,拍攝本人及生活居所。 "300 Families Photography", Hong Kong International Photography Festival 2013. I was invited by HK photographer Roy Lee as one of the artist's portrait of his exhibit in the festival.

南華早報生活版. South China Morning Post.

南華早報生活版. South China Morning Post.

專訪談及《我是貓》海外參展、理念及製作. Interview to talk about the production, the theme and the competition in overseas of my movie "The Cat of Hollywood" 2005.01.20

MRRM Magazine HK, "JR. Icon"

MRRM Magazine HK, "JR. Icon"

訪問談及小說、電影、夢想及創作人生. Interview to talk about writing novels, making films, chasing dreams and creativity life. 2012.11

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

香港電影導演系列之四. HK Film Director Series-4 2004.05.09

Milk誌. Milk Magazine.

Milk誌. Milk Magazine.

訪問談及卡通《足球小將》及日本流行文化在香港. Interview to talk about the soccer cartoon from Japan, and the popular culture of Japan in HK. 2014.07.10

香港鳳凰衛視. Phoenix TV HK.

香港鳳凰衛視. Phoenix TV HK.

訪問談及香港難民電影節. Interview to talk about Hong Kong Refugee Film Festival. 2012.06

Milk誌. Milk Magazine.

Milk誌. Milk Magazine.

訪問談及日本導演北野武及有關他的新書. Interview to talk about Japanese director Kitano Takeshi and the new books related to him. 2014.07.10

星島日報副刊. SingTao Newspaper.

星島日報副刊. SingTao Newspaper.

訪問談及香港電子雜誌的發展. Interview to talk about the development of Hong Kong online and digital magazine. 2013.02.05

成報人物專訪. SingPao Newspaper.

成報人物專訪. SingPao Newspaper.

專訪談及獨立電影製作、影評人拍電影之路. Interview to talk about the production of indie movies and my own path from film critic to film director. 2005.05.12

東方日報副刊. Oriental Daily.

東方日報副刊. Oriental Daily.

專訪談及首部獨立電影《人造色素》、香港獨立電影發展. Interview to talk about my first indie movie "Fall In Love Too Easily" and the development of HK indie movie. 2002.06.07

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper

訪問談及在中上環一帶居住的生活記憶和感受. Interview to talk about the memories and feelings of living in Central and Sheung Wan district in HK.

新城電台. Metro Radio HK.

新城電台. Metro Radio HK.

訪問談及在中學教授電影工作坊作為通識教育課的經驗. Interview to talk about the experiences in teaching film studies in secondary school as a part of general education. 2009.11.



訪問談及香港難民電影節 Commercial Radio 2. Interview to talk about Hong Kong Refugee Film Festival. 2012.06

星島日報教育版. SingTao Newspaper Eduaction

星島日報教育版. SingTao Newspaper Eduaction

訪問談及在中學教授電影工作坊作為通識教育課的經驗. Interview to talk about the experiences in teaching film studies in secondary school as a part of general education. 2009.11.09



訪問談及首部電影《人造色素》、電影評論、電影創作. Interview to talk about my first indie movie "Fall In Love Too Easily", film criticism and film making. 2002.05

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

訪問談及家貓和人貓背後一連串奇妙的故事. Interview to talk about my cat and the movie-like fantastic story between us. 2006.04.11

數碼雙周. DiGi Biweekly.

數碼雙周. DiGi Biweekly.

訪問談及電影《我是貓》在韓國崟山國際影展競賽、電影評論及電影創作. Interview to talk about the competition in Pusan International Film Festival of my movie "The Cat of Hollywood", film criticism and film making. 2005.06.03

經濟日報. Hong Kong Economic Times.

經濟日報. Hong Kong Economic Times.

以從影評人到電影人方向,報道首部電影《人造色素》. Reporting my first indie movie "Fall In Love Too Easily" in the angle of identity from film critic to film maker. 2002.06.08

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

明報副刊. MingPao Newspaper.

以實現理想的方向,報道首部電影《人造色素》. Reporting my first indie movie "Fall In Love Too Easily" in the angle of chasing the dreams. 2002.06.08

明報港聞. MingPao Newspaper.

明報港聞. MingPao Newspaper.

訪問談及到美國紐約進修電影及拍攝獨立電影. Interview to talk about to further my study in New York for making independent movies.

成報文化版. SingPao Newspaper.

成報文化版. SingPao Newspaper.

報道首部電影《人造色素》參展香港亞洲電影節. Reporting my first indie movie "Fall In Love Too Easily" to be selected in Hong Kong Independent Film Festival. 2002.09.08

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